
Share Your BN Posts!

Now you can easily generate a link to each of your Buy Nothing posts that you can use to send friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to your Give, Ask, or Gratitude. Sharing your posts has a lot of benefits, including:

  • Share in a wider circle: Now you can write up your post once, add your favorite photo(s), and share this single post with multiple people and/or groups, on multiple platforms.

  • Keep track of responses in a single location: When you share your post and ask people to reply on Buy Nothing, you’ll be able to keep track of everyone who comments.

  • Share your pick-up location and instructions privately and easily: You only need to enter your gift pick-up location and any special instructions once in Buy Nothing, then you can save this information and have it added automatically to future private messages for your selected gift recipients. And your pick-up location will open in their phone’s map program, so you won’t need to type out directions ever again.

  • Inspire people to join your Buy Nothing community: There’s nothing like seeing what your neighbors are giving away and asking for to help people understand the beauty and joy that grows in a Buy Nothing community. Sharing your BN posts on other platforms gives your friends and followers a window into the magic.

  • Strengthen the Buy Nothing Project: For the past 10 years, Buy Nothing has grown on a variety of platforms, and there’s been no way for us to connect all of the pieces and people of the whole. Now we can share our BN posts with each other, connecting all of the pieces into the big picture.

How to Share Your Posts:

  1. To see all of your posts, tap Me in the bottom horizontal taskbar
  2. Tap the post you’d like to share
  3. Tap the 3 gray dots in the right hand corner of your screen, to the side of your name
  4. Tap on “Share Post”
  5. Select how or where you’d like to share and tap to make it happen:
  6. You can click to copy the link, then open another app, an email, etc to paste the link where you’d like to post or share it.
  7. Your device may give you the option to share it directly to a platform such as Facebook Groups or Messenger, your phone’s default SMS program, etc without needing to copy the link manually.

2023-09-07 21:21