Happy BuyNothing Day! Liesl and Rebecca here. We’re celebrating our 1-year anniversary of the launch of the BuyNothing app, and we’re so grateful for the 620,000 of you who have joined our local gifting network, keeping us in the top 200 social media apps worldwide since our launch!
And now we want to give back.
In celebration of BuyNothing Day, and if you make a contribution today to help us keep our gifting platform alive (please visit https://buynothingproject.org/contribute to support us), we're offering our time and presence for a Zoom call to be scheduled in the upcoming weeks.
We could join you in one of the following:
-A guest appearance at your virtual book group, to discuss our book (please find it at your local library
-If you have a Buy Nothing community, we'd love to virtually connect with you and your neighbors to talk all things gift economy
-If you’re starting a new BN community, we’d be happy to chat with you about how to grow your own local gifting community.
With your contribution, we'd love to connect with you and your community, to share our BN stories, and hear yours. Your contributions go 100% toward our website and platform hosting fees. Please Support us today!
Here’s how:
1) Make your contribution at https://buynothingproject.org/contribute today! (Our offer is open until midnight, Pacific Time, today!)
2) Email us at [email protected] to let us know you’d like to have us join you virtually for a discussion about all things Buy Nothing!
3) We’ll give you a Supporter Token (orange heart) that goes next to your profile image in the BuyNothing app.
4) And we’ll be back in touch via email to schedule a date and time for our virtual meeting.
Thank you so much for your contributions, it’s what keeps this movement going.