
An Update About Buy Nothing Updates

Are you wondering how to stay up to date on Buy Nothing resources, initiatives, updates, and changes?#nbsp;

This blog post is for you!

If you'd like to be the first to know about any important Buy Nothing updates or changes, subscribe to follow our blog by adding your email and clicking "Subscribe" in the "Follow Our Blog" box at the top or bottom of our blog's home page.

If you're building a Buy Nothing community either in our BuyNothing app or in a Buy Nothing group using Facebook's Private Groups platform, we hope you'll join us a registered Community Builder. Learn more on our Build page.

Here are the things we do post about here:
  • Substantive changes to our foundational documents. For example, if we add a rule, we'll let you know via a blog post. If we delete a rule, we'll let you know about it via a blog post.
  • Creation of new Buy Nothing resources or systems. When we add a new tool to help you bring Buy Nothing to life for your community, we'll post about that here. When we create new support systems, forums, resources, etc, we'll post about those here, too.
  • Launching of new Buy Nothing initiatives. When we find new ways to broaden and deepen the positive impact Buy Nothing has on the world, we'll post about it here.

Here are things we don't post about:#nbsp;
  • Housekeeping.
What do we mean by housekeeping? We mean that we don't usually post about it when we do any of the following:
  • Correction of typos, verb conjugations, and broken links
  • Replacement of poorly-worded text to clarify our original intent
  • Rearrangement of paragraphs or sections within a web page, document, or other resource
  • Rearrangement of our website, resources, or documents
  • Updates to our websites' menus or design
  • Other similar work that tidies things up, makes it easier to find things, clarifies confusion, or corrects mistakes
When we have Big Changes that alter a previous rule or understanding, or that add something new and exciting, we will most definitely post about that here.

If you subscribe to follow this blog, you'll receive near-immediate notice of any updates, changes, or new resources and initiatives in your email inbox.#nbsp;

When we make small edits and updates that tidy things up, correct mistakes, or clarify points of confusion, we do that work quietly and without fanfare or requests for your attention that will fill up your inbox.#nbsp;

Please visit our Help Center or Contact Us if we can be of any assistance with anything Buy Nothing-related.#nbsp;
We thank you for bringing Buy Nothing to life in your community!#nbsp;
2023-01-19 17:07