Quick Start Your Buy Nothing Life
1 - Set Your Viewing Radius
  • Tap on "Community" in the taskbar across the bottom of your screen
  • Tap on "change my viewing radius"
  • Tap on the distance that matches how far from your location you'd like to see posts and connect with your community
  • We highly recommend starting with the 20 mile radius
2 - Personalize Your Profile
  • Tap the "Share +" button at the bottom center of your screen
  • Choose what you'd like to do:
  • Tap "Give" to offer an item or service
  • Tap "Ask" to request an item or service
  • Tap "Gratitude" to express your thanks for your BN neighbors and gifts
  • Tap "What..." to activate your keyboard and enter your words
  • Tap the gray camera icon in the bottom left hand to add photos to your post
  • Tap "post" to share your Give, Ask, or Gratitude with your BN community
3 - Post an Ask or Give of Your Own
  • Tap the "Share +" button at the bottom center of your screen
  • Choose what you'd like to do:
  • Tap "Give" to offer an item or service
  • Tap "Ask" to request an item or service
  • Tap "Gratitude" to express your thanks for your BN neighbors and gifts
  • Tap "What..." to activate your keyboard and enter your words
  • Tap the gray camera icon in the bottom left hand to add photos to your post
  • Tap "post" to share your Give, Ask, or Gratitude with your BN community
4 - Scroll & Search to See What's Happening
  • Tap "Home" in the bottom left hand corner of your screen
  • Tap the 4 gray squares in upper right hand corner of your screen to change to grid view for faster visual scrolling
  • Tap "Active" at the top of your screen to see only posts that are still in active status, with gifts waiting to be given or received
  • Tap "All" to see all of the posts in your viewing radius, including gifts that have already been given or received
  • Tap the gray magnifying glass icon at the top of your screen to open the search box
  • Tap the flashing cursor to activate your keyboard and enter the keyword(s) you'd like to look for
  • Tap the magnifying glass icon on your keyboard to activate your search
5 - Comment to Connect
  • Comment on Gives that you'd like to receive or Asks that you'd like to fulfill; add a bit of personality to your comments for best results
  • There is no "first come, first served" rule in Buy Nothing, so ask kindly to be considered and check back often to see if you've been selected
  • You can also add encouraging comments or offer memories, stories, or reuse ideas that are sparked by the Gives and Asks that your neighbors share
6 - Keep the BN Magic Growing
  • It only takes 1 person to spark the BN magic into action
  • You make a huge difference every time you post - Lead the way and other people will join in
  • Invite your friends, coworkers, and neighbors to join you by tapping the "Invite a friend" button on your Community page
  • Keep sharing Give, Ask & Gratitude posts
  • Visit buynothingproject.org/build for more ideas and support
  • Visit our BN Help Center at help.buynothingproject.org if you have questions or need assistance with your BN life
  • Thank you for bringing BN to life with us!

BN exists to build community - Thank you for joining us!