Special Features for Sustaining Members:
Sustaining Members Keep BN Alive
Sustaining Members keep Buy Nothing going.
Your recurring support allows us to:

  • Offer the BuyNothing app and its foundational features to the world as a gift
  • Maintain and add to our website of free resources
  • Squash bugs
  • Develop new features
  • Expand our server access and other resources to include more people in more ways

We're more grateful than we can say. As a token of our appreciation, we've built some features just for Sustaining Members. Thank you!
How to Become a Sustaining Member:
  • Log into the BuyNothing app
  • Go to your "Me" page by tapping on the "Me" in the horizontal taskbar across the bottom of your Home screen
  • On your "Me" page, tap on the gray gear Settings icon in the upper right hand corner
  • Scroll down to the Subscriptions section
  • Tap on "Become a Sustaining Member"
  • Choose whether you'd like to become an Annual Sustaining Member for $49.99/year USD or a Monthly Sustaining Member for $6.99/month
  • Tap on "Subscribe" and follow the directions on the secure payment page to complete your Sustaining Member subscription
How to Cancel your Sustaining Member Subscription:

If you have subscribed to be a Sustaining Member, which unlocks special features, you have either done that through your app store or through our web app.

If you subscribed via your phone to our mobile app and you'd like to cancel your subscription, please do so through your app store as we do not have access to that directly. To cancel your subscription, you can go to your "Me" page in the Buy Nothing app and click on the settings icon (the gear) in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, below Subscriptions you'll see the button for "Change Subscription Settings" and that will take you either to your app store, or to our web app subscription page on Stripe, where you can manage your subscription.

We are a community-supported app and appreciate you contributing to make this a better experience for everyone through your subscription contribution but do understand if you'd like to cancel.