Report an Unlisted Buy Nothing Group
Is there a Buy Nothing group missing from our Worldwide List of Buy Nothing Communities? Help us add them! We’ve created a simple form for you to fill out here. This is the form to use to add a Buy Nothing group to our List.

This is also the form to use if you've found a group that you're not sure about, because they're using our name and/or materials in ways that don't seem to align with the Buy Nothing Project.

As a social movement, we’ve created a worldwide list of all Buy Nothing gift economies to serve our global community. We’re the centralized hub for all communities Buy Nothing. We list all non-commercial gift economy groups/communities that identify themselves as part of Buy Nothing and properly license and use our trademark and copyrighted materials. If you'd like to start your own Buy Nothing group or community, click here - we'd love to help you. If you have any questions about identifying your community as part of Buy Nothing, please reach out to us via email to [email protected].

We maintain this comprehensive list so that it reflects the totality of the Buy Nothing movement. If you find a group that’s not listed, or a group that you think is misrepresenting itself, please let us know through this form. Thanks!