Buy Less. Share More.
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We exist to build community.
Everything shared on Buy Nothing is given freely.
No strings. Free.
The Buy Nothing Project's Global Impact:
(updated each month)
  • 11M
  • 2.6M
  • 245K
  • 14K
Buy Nothing survives thanks to your generous contributions. Click here to make a charitable donation today to keep the Give-Ask-Gratitude going for everyone. Thank you!

Find your abundance mindset.

GIVE away
or ASK for
ANYTHING you want.

We'll guide you to start a new buy nothing community where you are. You can also access training, tools and other resources to help build engagement within your existing community!

While we really believe that our new platform, built by and for us, is the best place for us all to share, we recognize that some want to try out the experience on FB.
From the Newsroom
The latest Buy Nothing Project news coverage:
Want a Deep Dive into Buy Nothing?
We wrote a book, your primer to the entire Buy Nothing, Get Everything lifestyle. Check out a print copy, audibook, or ebook from your local library or click through a link below to purchase a copy (and maybe share that with your Buy Nothing community)
The Buy Nothing Home
Take a virtual journey through a Buy Nothing home. Reduce, reuse, and revitalize your living space.
Connect to our toolkit for Buy Nothing humanitarian aid.
Listen to Buy Nothing, The Podcast
Launched on Nov 26, Buy Nothing Day! New episodes in the works!
Impact Partners
We're proud to be working with our Impact Partners to create a robust circular economy